Anger is a healthy human emotion that shows a person’s dissatisfaction or displeasure with a person, circumstance, or situation. Although human beings are allowed to feel frustrated when someone cuts through traffic or things are going out of hand, it is unhealthy to let the anger fester or suppress. Anger left uncontrolled can cause disastrous outcomes. Here are five ways to control your anger before it lights an unquenchable fire. 

Take a Time Out

In the heat of the moment, refrain from acting or lashing out. Your emotions are high and illogical for the most part. Instead of confronting the situation, walk away from it until your anger subsides. 

Use Calming Techniques

Anger stimulates the fight or flight response, which is responsible for increasing your strength and energy to retaliate. The boost can result in you responding in a manner that outweighs the trigger. You can cuss, hit a wall and break an arm, destroy property, or even physically harm another person. You can relieve the build in tension by:

  • Walking away from the trigger until the surge in emotions subsides
  • Taking a walk, a jog, or cycling – physical activities releases feel-good hormones which inhibit the fight or flight cycle.
  • Meditation – any mindfulness technique is vital to curb anger.

Think Through Your Thoughts, Words, and Actions

Thinking before you act is a reasonable statement. Do not let your emotions cloud your judgment. Approach the situation rationally. Try and understand where the offending party is coming from before acting prematurely and fanning the flames. 

Express Your Concerns After the Storm has Passed

Let the other party know of their ‘offense’ in an assertive but non-confrontational way. Explain to them that their words and actions were hurtful. Listen to their explanation. Remember, you cannot control the other person’s interpretation of things. Therefore, put a guard on your words and behavior. 

Identify Solutions

If there is a recurring theme about your anger issues, identify it and deal with it. Refuse to let the trigger bring you down. Rise above it, confront it and avoid it if it is beyond your power to subdue the entity.