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So far talkingtherapy has created 33 blog entries.

5 Empowering Ways to deal with Guilt

Forgive yourself and move on. It is easy to utter these words but much harder to do it. Sometimes, we do a thing or two that we may not be proud of. We lash out at a friend, engage in self-destructive behavior, or even fail to do something we were supposed to. With those mistakes,

5 Empowering Ways to deal with Guilt2024-08-18T00:11:42-04:00

How do I know when I need help with my Mental Health?

Recognizing When You Need Mental Health Support It's important to remember that everyone experiences ups and downs, but sometimes those lows can be signs that you might need additional support. Here are some common indicators: Changes in Mood or Behavior Persistent sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness Excessive worry or anxiety Extreme mood swings Loss of interest

How do I know when I need help with my Mental Health?2024-08-17T23:13:19-04:00

What are the most common Mental Health Disorders?

Today, nearly 1 billion people worldwide live with a mental illness. With early diagnosis and intervention, most mental illnesses are manageable. Unfortunately, 75% of mental illnesses cases and especially among people from low-income countries are undiagnosed.  Untreated mental disorders may result in unnecessary disabilities, homelessness, inappropriate incarceration, unemployment and poor quality of life.  Below are

What are the most common Mental Health Disorders?2024-08-17T22:26:03-04:00

Does talking about mental health make it worse? 

Does talking about mental health make it worse?  Today, 1 in 5 American adults have a mental illness. With these illnesses becoming prevalent, it is imperative that we move the topic to the forefront of our conversations and hold transparent discussions about how we are truly feeling.  Sadly, the topic of mental disorders, especially for

Does talking about mental health make it worse? 2022-10-30T10:14:16-04:00

How to Deal with Anger Management Issues?

Anger is a natural human response to frustrations, threatening experiences, abuse, unfairness, and irritations. In most cases, it is a normal emotion. However, anger affects personal relationships and psychological well-being when it gets out of control. It also adversely impacts your quality of life.   In this article, we will first explore how to know whether

How to Deal with Anger Management Issues?2022-09-10T08:33:51-04:00

How can I Stop my Anxiety from Going out of Control?

Anxiety feels like a monster out of control which you have no way of controlling it. When anxious, we tend to shake, sweat, breathe rapidly, have trouble concentrating, and have restlessness or tension, among other physiological and psychological signs.  While it is normal for anyone to feel anxious, frequent anxiety interferes with your quality of

How can I Stop my Anxiety from Going out of Control?2022-09-01T23:37:14-04:00

The connection between Substance Abuse and Mental Health

Diagnosing and treating substance abuse disorder is a daunting task, especially when an underlying mental health illness accompanies it. When an individual has the two, this is referred to as a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorder. According to SAMHSA, the authority with a mission to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness among

The connection between Substance Abuse and Mental Health2022-08-29T20:28:41-04:00

5 Anger Management Strategies

Anger is a healthy human emotion that shows a person's dissatisfaction or displeasure with a person, circumstance, or situation. Although human beings are allowed to feel frustrated when someone cuts through traffic or things are going out of hand, it is unhealthy to let the anger fester or suppress. Anger left uncontrolled can cause disastrous

5 Anger Management Strategies2022-07-10T23:26:58-04:00

Different Types of Counseling

There are different types of counseling because psychotherapy is not a one-size-fits-all service. Therapy customization enables counseling psychologists to apply different intervention strategies in treating various mental conditions and situations, using the needed tools and resources.  Behavioral Counseling Behavioral therapy is psychotherapy for people with maladaptive behaviors and behavioral disorders like eating disorders, mood disorders,

Different Types of Counseling2022-07-10T23:23:46-04:00

An Unsent Letter to my Sweet Late Brother

It was 10 pm when the gastroenterologist called me and alerted me that your CT scan results needed urgent attention. Since I was within the hospital, I rushed to the doctor’s office, and he handed me a referral letter to the national referral hospital. As I read the CT scan results, I realized that you

An Unsent Letter to my Sweet Late Brother2022-07-05T19:21:14-04:00
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