Anxiety feels like a monster out of control which you have no way of controlling it. When anxious, we tend to shake, sweat, breathe rapidly, have trouble concentrating, and have restlessness or tension, among other physiological and psychological signs. 

While it is normal for anyone to feel anxious, frequent anxiety interferes with your quality of life. Mentally, excessive anxiety can morph into something severe, including depression. Furthermore, it can lead to substance abuse disorder when one tries to self-medicate. 

The good news is that you can keep anxiety from crippling your life and harming your health. Below are some techniques you can implement to keep your anxiety out of control. 

  • Get to know your Anxiety

Anxiety awareness is the first and the biggest step toward handling it. Intending to identify your anxiety pattern, keep a journal where you record your anxious moments. Later, look for ways of managing it proactively.

  • Breathing Exercises

When anxious, deliberately slow your breathing. Follow these simple steps;

  • Inhale- take a deep breath (use your nose)
  • Hold- hold your breath for 4 seconds
  • Exhale- gradually exhale the air using your mouth
  • Pause- allow a few seconds to pass before taking another breath
  • Pay attention- as you do the above exercises, close your eyes, and focus on your breath and the impression of the air filling your lungs. 
  • Observation-engage the mind to make observations on what you are emotionally and psychologically experiencing. These observations assist in identifying ignored issues that could be provoking anxiety. 
  • Journaling

Writing has the power to release unresolved emotions and worries. It also helps you to check whether your fears are rational or not. 

  • Focus on here and now

Try and focus on what is currently happening. Avoid imagining the worst-case scenario and wondering much about the future. 

  • Consult a Psychotherapist

You can also talk to a therapist if you feel anxious beyond control.