Staying positive is an excellent stress management technique. The aim of cultivating a positive attitude is to approach reality with a healthy dose of optimism. It is not about living in a make-belief utopia. Here are ways to keep upbeat when life throws curve balls. 

Identify Negative Thinking and Resolve not to Indulge.

It is easy to assume or anticipate the worst-case scenario when things go wrong. Worry and anxiety feed on this negative expectation. Learn to accept things as they are and wait for the outcome. Recognize negative thoughts and refuse to entertain them. 

Do not magnify the issue or polarize it as either good or bad. Life is hardly black or white. Filter your thoughts to weed out the negative aspects that are untrue.

Check Yourself

Identify areas that need changing instead of condemning yourself or holding a pity party fiesta. Analyze the situation. What went wrong? Why did it happen? How can it be avoided in the future? What is beyond your control? How can you learn to live with it? 

Find Humor

There is always a silver lining in every dark cloud – a reason to smile and laugh. Learn to laugh at life. It makes the stress a little more bearable. 

Be Kind to Yourself

Do not beat yourself down. Sure, you failed. Congratulations – you are human. Learn from your shortcomings, and work to improve. Remind yourself of your strengths. Encourage yourself. 

See an Opportunity, Not a Setback.

Instead of shying away from responsibility, see it as an opportunity to increase your knowledge. Take chances, try to make it work, re-examine strategies, and tackle things from a different angle.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

Your company influences your outlook in life and mentality. They are your support and accountability – they advise, enable habits, influence thoughts, and sustain moods and feelings. Stay around people that build you up emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally.